সাম্প্রতিক পোস্ট
🔵Classification of Tenses in English with Structure & Examples🔵Article Exercise🔵300 Most Important Appropriate Preposition🔵Parts of Speech🔵বার্ষিক পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ২০২৫ (প্রাক- প্রাথমিক)🔵বার্ষিক পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ২০২৫ (৫ম শ্রেণি)🔵বার্ষিক পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ২০২৫ (৪র্থ শ্রেণি)🔵বার্ষিক পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ২০২৫ (৩য় শ্রেণি)🔵বার্ষিক পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ২০২৫ (২য় শ্রেণি)🔵বার্ষিক পাঠ পরিকল্পনা ২০২৫ (১ম শ্রেণি)🔵২০২৫ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ৯ম-১০ম শ্রেণির পাঠ্যপুস্তক🔵২০২৫ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ৮ম শ্রেণির পাঠ্যপুস্তক🔵২০২৫ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ৭ম শ্রেণির পাঠ্যপুস্তক🔵২০২৫ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির পাঠ্যপুস্তক🔵২০২৫ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ৫ম শ্রেণির পাঠ্যপুস্তক🔵২০২৫ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ৪র্থ শ্রেণির পাঠ্যপুস্তক🔵২০২৫ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ৩য় শ্রেণির পাঠ্যপুস্তক🔵২০২৫ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ২য় শ্রেণির পাঠ্যপুস্তক🔵২০২৫ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ১ম শ্রেণির পাঠ্যপুস্তক🔵২০২৬ সালের এসএসসি ও সমমান পরীক্ষার প্রশ্নের ধরন ও নম্বর বণ্টন🔵Parts of Speech🔵4 Letter Words for Primary Student🔵3 Letter Words for Primary Student🔵বাস্তব সংখ্যা: সৃজনশীল প্রশ্ন (এসএসসি পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি)🔵প্রাথমিক বিদ্যালয়ের শিক্ষার্থীর মূল্যায়ন নির্দেশিকা ২০২৪🔵বাংলা। তৃতীয় শ্রেণি। নমুনা প্রশ্ন। ২০২৪ সালের সর্বশেষ মূল্যায়ন নির্দেশিকা অনুসারে🔵ডিজিটাল প্রযুক্তি। অষ্টম শ্রেণি।🔵চারপাশের লেখার সাথে পরিচিত হই। দৃশ্যপটবিহীন ও দৃশ্যপটনির্ভর প্রশ্ন। বাংলা। ৭ম শ্রেনি।🔵বুঝে পড়ি লিখতে শিখি। দৃশ্যপটনির্ভর প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর। বাংলা। ৭ম শ্রেণি।🔵বুঝে পড়ি লিখতে শিখি। রচনামূলক প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর। বাংলা। ৭ম শ্রেণি।🔵সাহিত্য পড়ি লিখতে শিখি। দৃশ্যপটনির্ভর প্রশ্ন। বাংলা। ৭ম শ্রেণি।🔵সাহিত্য পড়ি লিখতে শিখি। রচনামূলক প্রশ্ন। বাংলা। ৭ম শ্রেণি।🔵সাহিত্য পড়ি লিখতে শিখি। বাংলা। ৭ম শ্রেণি।🔵বুঝে পড়ি লিখতে শিখি। বাংলা । ৭ম শ্রেণি🔵চারপাশের লেখার সাথে পরিচিত হই। বাংলা। ৭ম শ্রেণি🔵অর্থ বুঝে বাক্য লিখি। বাংলা । ৭ম শ্রেণি🔵প্রমিত ভাষায় কথা বলি। বাংলা। ৭ম শ্রেণি🔵প্রমিত ভাষা শিখি। বাংলা। ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণি🔵ঐকিক নিয়ম, শতকরা এবং অনুপাত। গণিত। ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণি🔵নানা রকম আকৃতি মাপি। গণিত। সপ্তম শ্রেণি🔵ঘনবস্তুতে দ্বিপদী ও ত্রিপদী রাশি খুঁজি । গণিত । অষ্টম শ্রেণি🔵প্রয়োজন বুঝে যোগাযোগ করি । বাংলা। অষ্টম শ্রেণি🔵বৃত্তের খুঁটিনাটি (দৃশ্যপটনির্ভর প্রশ্ন)। গণিত । অষ্টম শ্রেণি🔵বৃত্তের খুঁটিনাটি । গণিত । অষ্টম শ্রেণি🔵বাইনারি সংখ্যা পদ্ধতি (দৃশ্যপটনির্ভর প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর)। গনিত। অষ্টম শ্রেণি🔵বাইনারি সংখ্যা পদ্ধতি । গণিত। অষ্টম শ্রেণি🔵তথ্য বুঝে সিদ্ধান্ত নিই। গণিত । অষ্টম শ্রেণি🔵বিস্তার পরিমাপ। গণিত। নবম শ্রেণি🔵কৌণিক দূরত্ব পরিমাপে ত্রিকোণমিতি। গণিত । নবম শ্রেণি🔵বাস্তব সমস্যা সমাধানে সহসমীকরণ। নবম শ্রেণি। গণিত🔵পরিমাপে ত্রিকোণমিতি। গণিত। নবম শ্রেণি🔵চলো নেটওয়ার্কে সংযুক্ত হই। অষ্টম শ্রেণির ডিজিটাল প্রযুক্তি🔵Transformation of Sentences Rules, Examples & Exercise🔵অষ্টম শ্রেণির ডিজিটাল প্রযুক্তি। সমস্যার সমাধান চাই প্রোগ্রামিংয়ের জুড়ি নাই🔵অষ্টম শ্রেণির ডিজিটাল প্রযুক্তি। নাগরিক সেবা ও ই-কর্মাসের সুযোগ গ্রহণ করি🔵অষ্টম শ্রেণির ডিজিটাল প্রযুক্তি। ডিজিটাল প্ল্যাটফর্মে ব্যক্তিগত তথ্যের নিরাপত্তার ঝুঁকি🔵লগারিদমের ধারণা ও প্রয়োগ। বার্ষিক পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি🔵অনুক্রম ও ধারা। বার্ষিক পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি ২০২৪🔵গনিত মডেল প্রশ্ন ২: বার্ষিক পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি (অষ্টম শ্রেণি)🔵গনিত মডেল প্রশ্ন ১: বার্ষিক পরীক্ষার প্রস্তুতি (অষ্টম শ্রেণি)🔵ক্ষুদ্র সঞ্চয়ে ভবিষ্যৎ গড়ি: এক কথায় উত্তর🔵Adjective and Its Classification🔵ঘনবস্তুতে দ্বিপদী ও ত্রিপদী রাশি খুঁজি🔵আমাদের জীবনে প্রযুক্তি🔵গড়🔵শতকরা🔵৮ম শ্রেণির গণিত বিষয়ের দৃশ্যপটনির্ভর প্রশ্ন🔵এসএসসি গণিত (আবশ্যিক) মডেল টেস্ট-৪🔵English Grammar & Literature Quiz-1🔵এসএসসি গণিত (আবশ্যিক) মডেল টেস্ট-৩🔵এসএসসি গণিত (আবশ্যিক) মডেল টেস্ট-২🔵সরকারি কর্মচারীর সম্পদ বিবরণী ফরম🔵এসএসসি গণিত (আবশ্যিক) মডেল টেস্ট-১🔵পরিসংখ্যান🔵দূরত্ব ও উচ্চতা🔵সসীম ধারা🔵বীজগাণিতিক রাশি🔵তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তি ও আমাদের বাংলাদেশ🔵অনুবাদ🔵সেট ও ফাংশন🔵Tag Questions for SSC Students🔵Exercise on Punctuation Marks for HSC Students🔵Exercise on Sentence Connectors for HSC Students🔵Exercise on Modifiers for HSC Students🔵Exercise on Right Form of Verbs for HSC Students🔵English Sample Question for Class Six🔵English Sample Question for Class 7🔵English Sample Question for Class Nine🔵English Sample Question for Class Eight🔵২০২৪ শিক্ষাবর্ষের নবম শ্রেণির বার্ষিক সামষ্টিক মূল্যায়ন নির্দেশনা🔵২০২৪ শিক্ষাবর্ষের অষ্টম শ্রেণির বার্ষিক সামষ্টিক মূল্যায়ন নির্দেশনা🔵২০২৪ শিক্ষাবর্ষের সপ্তম শ্রেণির বার্ষিক সামষ্টিক মূল্যায়ন নির্দেশনা🔵২০২৪ শিক্ষাবর্ষের ষষ্ঠ শ্রেণির বার্ষিক সামষ্টিক মূল্যায়ন নির্দেশনা🔵কোণের ধারণা🔵Narrative Style (Direct to Indirect and Vice Versa)🔵SSC English First Paper Model Test-10🔵SSC English First Paper Model Test-9🔵SSC English First Paper Model Test-8🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 16🔵Preposition Exercise🔵SSC English First Paper Model Test- 7🔵English Model Question-2 for Class Five🔵বাংলাদেশ বিষয়াবলি কুইজ🔵বাগধারা ও বাগবিধি কুইজ🔵English Literature Quiz🔵কারক🔵বাংলা ব্যাকরণের ইতিহাস🔵এইচএসসি বাংলা ১ম পত্র ফাইনাল সাজেশন🔵SSC English First Paper Model Test- 6🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 15🔵SSC English First Paper Model Test- 5🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 14🔵SSC English First Paper Model Test-4🔵English Model Question-1 for Class Five🔵SSC English First Paper Model Test-3🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 13🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 12🔵SSC English First Paper Model Test-2🔵SSC English First Paper Model Test-1🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 11🔵বাংলাদেশের পর্যটন শিল্প🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 10🔵All in One Paragraph🔵ভারতে মুসলিম শাসন প্রতিষ্ঠা: জ্ঞান ও অনুধাবনমূলক প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর🔵প্রাক ইসলামি আরব: জ্ঞান ও অনুধাবনমূলক প্রশ্ন🔵জিপিএফ ফরমসমূহ🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 9🔵২০২৪ শিক্ষাবর্ষের প্রথম শ্রেণির শিক্ষক সহায়িকা🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 8🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 7🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 6🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 5🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 4🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 3🔵SSC English Second Paper Model Test 2🔵SSC English 2nd Paper Model Test 01🔵SSC English Second Paper Exam Preparation🔵জাতীয় সংসদ বিলুপ্ত ঘোষণা করেছেনে রাষ্ট্রপতি মো. সাহাবুদ্দিন🔵এইচএসসি যুক্তিবিদ্যা ২য় পত্র সাজেশন🔵এইচএসসি যুক্তিবিদ্যা ১ম পত্র ফাইনাল সাজেশন🔵হামলা-ভাঙচুর না চালানোর আহ্বান সেনাপ্রধানের🔵শেখ হাসিনার পদত্যাগ ও দেশত্যাগের পর রাষ্ট্রপতির ভাষণ🔵Appendix🔵বাংলা ব্যাকরণের আলোচ্য বিষয়🔵বাংলা ভাষা🔵এইচএসসি তথ্য ও যোগাযোগ প্রযুক্তির এমসিকিউ সমাধান🔵HSC English Second Paper Solution Dhaka Board🔵HSC English Second Paper Solution Cumilla Board🔵এইচএসসি বাংলা ১ম পত্র MCQ সমাধান🔵এইচএসসি সমাজকর্ম ২য় পত্র ফাইনাল সাজেশন🔵এইচএসসি সমাজকর্ম ১ম পত্র ফাইনাল সাজেশন🔵HSC English First Paper Final Suggestion🔵HSC Englsih Second Paper Final Suggestion🔵এইচএসসি আইসিটি ফাইনাল সাজেশন🔵এইচএসসি অর্থনীতি ২য় পত্র ফাইনাল সাজেশন🔵মানুষের মস্তিষ্ক🔵এইচএসসি অর্থনীতি ১ম পত্র ফাইনাল সাজেশন🔵Paragraph: Lockdown🔵Without Clues for SSC Exam🔵এইচএসসি ইসলামের ইতিহাস দ্বিতীয় পত্র ফাইনাল সাজেশন🔵এইচএসসি ইসলামের ইতিহাস প্রথম পত্র ফাইনাল সাজেশন
শিখবে সবাই

Exercise on Right Form of Verbs for HSC Students

Right form of Verbs


01. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

The Liberation War of Bangladesh inspired many artists, singers and cultural activists. Eminent artiste Shaheen Samad (a) ___ (join) Bangladesh Mukti Sangrami Shilpi Sangstha during the Liberation War. She along with others (b) ___ (inspire) millions with her voice (c)____ (raise) funds for the refugee camps. The cultural troupe used to (d) ___ (travel) to refugee camps and different areas in Mukta Anchal. They (e) ___ (perform) patriotic songs and arranged puppet shows, besides (f) ___ (stage) dramas. Shaheen Samad said, “Liberation war always (g) ___ (be) an inspiration for me.” She sang a lot of songs during that time and now (h)___ (feel) honoured to have been able to inspire the freedom fighters. She has the memorable harmonium with which she sang in 1971. Now, she (i) ____ (wish) to hand it over to the Liberation War Museum. This eminent artiste wants live performance of those moving songs on TV channel, at least one song in a week and thus it (j) ____ (cover) all the year round. Our Liberation War (k) ___ (play) a vital role in (1) (enrich) Bangla literature. Numerous poems and stories (m) ___ (write) at different times (n) ____ (base) on the Liberation War.

02. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

According to some myths and legends, Gazi Pir was a Muslim saint who (a) ___ (say) to have spread Islam in the parts of Bengal close to the Sundarbans. He (b) ___ (credit) with many miracles. For example, he (c) (can) supposedly (d) ___ (calm) dangerous animals and make them docile. According to some stories, he also (e) ___ (fight) against wild animals to protect people. Because of his alert and vigilant presence, all predatory animals (f) ___ (say) to (g) ___ (keep) within bounds. It was also (h) ___ (believe) that he (i) ___ (able) villagers to live close to wilderness and (j) _____ (cultivate) their lands. Consequently, people of these regions (k) ___ (pray) to him for protection. The story of Gazi Pir (1) ______ (preserve) in folk literature as well as art and (m) ___ (perform) in indigenous theatre. Some Gazir pat scrolls (n) ___ (be) part of the collections of the British Museum.

03. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

Road mishap (a) ___ (happen) in our country, almost every day. Recently, it (b) ___ (rise) to an alarming rate (c) ___ (take) a heavy toll on human lives. The members of a family (d) ___ (remain) anxious, if someone (e) ___ (travel) in a bus. In most cases, reckless driving (f) ___(cause) road accidents. The drivers (g) ___ (be) in the habit of (h)___ (violate) traffic rules. Road accidents can be (i) ___ (lessen) if the drivers (j) ___ (drive) their vehicles carefully. People should be conscious in this respect. While (k) ____ (cross) the road, they should be careful. Some people travel (1) ____ (climb) on the roof of buses and trains. Our government has recently taken initiatives to implement the strict laws to curb the rate of road accidents. Traffic rules must (m)____ (maintain) strictly with a view to (n) ___ (control) road accidents.

04. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

Education (a)___ (be) definitely important in one’s life. A gift of knowledge can (b) ___ (bringing) us to the top of our dreams. It (c)____ (lead) us to the right path and (d) ___ (give) us a chance to have a wonderful life. Education makes people capable of (e) ___ (do) new interesting things that can go a long way to improving human (f) ___ (live) conditions and standards. 14. Our whole life is the process of learning and (g) ___ (give) new useful knowledge. We should always remember that (h) ___ (get) a good education is imperative in today’s society as it is a foundation of our successful future. Our education is really worth investment. Only if you believe and work hard you can achieve anything. We receive education with a view to (i) ___ (equip) ourselves for the future. We are used to (j) ___ (learn) from teachers at educational institution but we can (k) ___ (enrich) our minds from our surroundings. The society in which we live in (I) ___ (play) a vital role in (m) ___ (shape) us as perfect citizen of that particular society. So, we should be habituated to (n) ___ (receive) education from all spheres of our life.

05. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct from of verbs and subject verb agreement as per contact.

Student life is the best time for (a)_____(prepare) ourselves for future. It is (b) _____(call) the seed time of life. So during this period of life students mustn’t (c) _____ (waste) time. The main pursuit of the students (d)____(be) study. They should prepare themselves for the life (e) ____(lie) ahead. They should also (f)___ (participate) in co-curriculum activities. By (g)_(read) newspaper they will know what (h)___(happen) in the world. When the country (i)_____ (face) with a natural calamity, they should (j)_____(come) forward with a view to (k) _____(remove) the sufferings of the affected people. Even in normal times they (1)___(engage) themselves in acts of social service. The students cannot do well in examinations without (m)___(work) hard. It is pity that many students are trying to (n) ____(succeed) in the shortest and easiest way.

06. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

If all the children (a)_____(go) to school, the country (b)___(get) rid of the curse of illiteracy. To boost up education, the govt. (c)_____(spend) more money. Subsidies must (d)______(give) in 16. the education sector. Teachers (e)______(need) to (f)______(train) for good teaching. The poor students can (g)_____(bring) under “Food for Education” programme. We (h)_____(take) care that no institution (i)_____(close) down due to political clashes. All concerned (j)_____(be) conscious about it. If we cannot (k)_____(keep) pace with the present world, we (1)_____(lag) behind. For this we have to (m)_____(ensure) education for all and set a bright prospect for (n)______(implement) all necessary steps.

07. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

Newspaper (a)_____ (consider) the people’s parliament. The newspaper (b)_____ (play) a vital role in modern civilization. It (c)_____ (call) to be the mirror of the world. We must (d)_ (develop) the habit of (e)_____ (read) the newspaper daily. It helps us (f)_____ (acquire) general knowledge. Which (g)_____ (be) essential for our education. Nobody (h)_____ (maintain) contact with the outside world without reading the newspaper. Mere bookish knowledge (i) (be) not sufficient in the struggle of life. A man who (j)______ (read) the newspaper daily (k)_____ (be) like a creature of the narrow well. Being ignorant of current topics, he cannot (1)_____ (take) part in the talks and discussion in an enlightened society and he (m)______ (live) like a fish out of water in it. Students (n)_____ (ask) for reading newspaper daily.

08. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

Dhaka, the world’s densest and fastest growing city, (a)___(face) unbearable traffic jams. There (b)___ (be) many reasons for this. The ever-increasing number of vehicles and population (c)_____ (be) the main reason. During a traffic jam, people (d) ___ (has) to suffer much. They have to (e)___ (move) inch by inch. They have to wait on roads hours after hours (f) ______ (face) unbearable sufferings. Again, the roads of Dhaka city (g) ___(be not) spacious. Only seven percent of Dhaka city is (h)_____ (cover) by roads, compared with around 25 percent of Paris and Vienna. If anybody falls in a traffic jam. he (i)___(not know) when he will reach home. Sometimes, a distance of 1km (j) ___(take) an hour to cross. Office and school goers find it very difficult (k)___(reach) their destination in time. Our government (I)___ (try) heart and soul to solve this problem. Flyovers (m)_____ (build) in different places in order to control traffic jam. Besides, traffic police and sergeants (n) _____ (see) filing cases against vehicles breaking road transport rules. But still it is becoming impossible to control traffic jam.

09. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context:

While (a)___(eat)food. We should (b)___(bear) in mind that we don’t eat just to (c)___(satisfy) hunger or to(d)___(fill) the belly. We eat to (e)___(preserve) our health. For good health a man (f)___ 19. (eat) good food. Sometimes, it’s so (g)___(happen) that people who (h)___(live) even in the middle of plenty do not (i)___(eat) the food they need for good health. Actually they (j)___(have) no knowledge of Health and nutrition. They don’t know how to (k)___(select) a balance diet from the many foods that (I)___(be) available to them. Besides, foods are being (m)___(adulterate) in many ways nowadays.so it is high time we (n)___(select) write kind of food for avoiding health hazards.

10. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

On 26 March, 1971, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman (a)___(declare) the independence of Bangladesh. (b) ___ (follow) this declaration, a war began between the freedom-loving Bangalees and the brutal forces of West Pakistan, (c) ___ (result) the independence of Bangladesh. The Pakistani Military Janta (d) ___ (base) in West Pakistan (e) ___ (launch) the Operation 20. Searchlight against the unarmed people of East Pakistan (f) ___ (initiate) genocide in Bangladesh. In response to the violence, members of Mukti Bahini (g) ___ (start) a mass guerrilla war against the occupation forces. People from all walks of life (h)___(respond) to the call of Bangabandhu and joined the war (i) ___ (liberate) their dear motherland. The war (j) ___ (continue) for about nine months. The heroic sons of the soil made the supreme sacrifices with a view to (k) ___ (snatch) away the long-cherished freedom and thus (1)___ (establish) Bangladesh as an independent country in the world map. Now, it (m) ___(be) our bounden duty (n) ___ (uphold) the freedom of the country.

11. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

It is natural that a man cannot (a)___ (live) alone. He always (b) ___ (need) a company. He has to (c)___ (express) his thought and ideas, (d) ___ (think) others while the others (e) the same needs. He (f) ___ (have) also the need of others for (g) ___ (ensure) their safety and comfort. So, he is bound (h)___ (live) with others (i) ___ (make) an institution and it (j) ___ (call) society. Society (k)___(be) the first organization which (1) ___ (make) by our primitive ancestors. They (m) ____ (be) the first to contribute to (n) ___ (develop) the civilization.

12. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

Deforestation (a) (mean) cutting down trees at random. It (b) ___ (cause) mainly by a group of dishonest people. They cut trees (c) ___ (make) profit. Ordinary people also (d) ___ (use) 22. trees as fuel and furniture. Because of (e) ___ (cut) more and more trees, we are going (f) (face) a great danger in the coming future. We (g) ____ (know) that oxygen (h)___ (supply) by trees for animals. Without (i) ___ (take) oxygen, we cannot live a single moment. If trees (j) ____ (cut) down in this way, the amount of carbon dioxide (k) ___ (increase) in the atmosphere. As a result, the heat (1) ___ (rise). It (m) ___ (call) greenhouse effect. (n) ___ (enjoy) a peaceful life, we must plant more and more trees.

13. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

Cricket (a) ___ (be) a popular game. Now-a-days, people (b)___ (long) to watch it to get pleasure. Cricket (c)___ (call) a gentlemen’s game too. A bond of friendship (d) ___ (create) among the playing nations. The Bangladesh national cricket team is popularly (e) ___ (know) as the Tigers. Our cricket team (f)____ (be) very organized. It already (g) ___ (prove) its worth in many an international match. Our cricketers (h) ____ (be) capable of (i)___(compete) with the renowned cricket teams of the world. The prestige of our country already (j)____ (go) up in the international arena: thanks to our cricket team. In spite of its renown, sometimes our cricket team (k) ___ (shock) us by (I)___ (perform) poorly. Even after that, we believe, our cricketers (m) _____ (outshine) all other competitors in future. However, they (n) ___ (need) more vigorous practice to reach their goals.

14. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

Every day thousands of passengers (a)____(ride) the Metro Rail in Dhaka. The announcement informed the passengers that the train (b)____(delay) to technical issues. While waiting for the train, I (c)____(observe) many people using their smartphones. As the train (d)____(approach) the station, I (e)_____ (notice) a group of excited children on board.I (f)___ (exit) the train at 24. Agargaon Station and (g)___(walk) towards the bus stop, Reaching my destination, I (h)____ (alight) onto the bustling platform, the city’s energy (i)____ (pulse) around me The Metro Rail, more than just a means of transport, (j)____(weave) a vibrant tapestry of human experience leaving me with a sense of connection and the echoes of Countless stories. The Metro Rail (k)____(revolutionize) public transportation in Dhaka the government (1)____ (plan) to expand the Metro rail network to other cities in Bangladesh. I believe that the Metro Rail contributes to (m)____(reduce) traffic congestion and air pollution. (n) ____ (use) the Metro rail is a convenient and enjoyable way to travel around Dhaka.

15. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per Subject and context.

Anu (a)___(alter) her routine (b)___(include) a metro rail journey from Bijoy Sarani, (c) ____ (mark) a significant shift from her previous two-hour, traffic-laden commutes. Before The metro rail (d) ____(launch). She (e)___(use) to spend over two hours (f)___(commute). Even then, traffic jams (g)___(make) it difficult for her to reach the office on time. “Now, I (h)____ (get) to the office earlier before the scheduled work hour,” she, (i)___(say) in the interview. It (j)___(take) only 10 minutes for her (k)___(reach) Karwan Bazar now. Iftikhar Hossain, GM (Operation) at Dhaka Mass Transit company limited, (1)___(inform) bdnews24.com, “We (m)____(receive) a positive response from women since the launch of the metro rail. Unlike The buses, no men (n)___(travel) in the women’s coach of the Metro rail.”

16. Read the following text and correct the following verb according to the directives.

It is deeply (a) _____ (concern) to know the extent to which criminals are able to exploit social media (b)___ (upend) the lives of vulnerable people. Few days ago, one of the renowned dailies(c) ____(report) the story of two underage girls who (d)___(prey) upon by a transnational gang thal (e)____ (traftic) at least 100 girls to India over a single year. The girls in question, like most such victims. (f)___ (target) through TikTok by the traffickers, who convinced them to leave Behind their homes and families in pursuit of success as content creators. They (g) _____ (do),  but then fell into the traps of the syndicate that may have already transterred them to India. Now, they (h)___ (be) victims of anything from (i)___ (force) prostitution to Organ harvesting. There (j) (be) several factors behind the rise in Tik Tok trafficking of late. There is the lack of awareness among the poor, particularly young people, who (k)___ (adept) at using smartphones and the Internet but are unable to identify the pitfalls, such as lucrative job/career building Opportunities (i)___ (offer) by traffickers. Equally (m)___(trouble) is the authorities response (n) ____ (deter) these criminals.

17. Read the following text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

(a)____ (Destroy) the cultural heritage of a country as a weapon to undermine its people long (b)___(be) a tactic of war. In recent decades, that (c)____(include) the destruction of cultural and religious sites in the former Yugoslavia in the 1990s; the Buddhas of Bamiyan in Afghanistan in 2001; and The Great Mosque of Aleppo, Syria in 2016. Cultural property protection (CPP) (d)__ (have) a long history in military law. The earliest surviving code of discipline for an English army (e)___ (be) the 1385 Durham Ordinances, (f)___ (draw) up for Richard I’s invasion of Scotland, which (g)___ (include) an article not (h)___(damage) Religious or other cultural buildings. The US (i)___ (accept) as the first country to make CPP part of its military policy, through the 1863 Liber Code, (j)___ (write) for Federal forces during the American Civil War. Today, intentional targeting of cultural and religious sites that (k)___ (be) not military goals or (1)____ (contribute) to military action (m)___(prohibit) in international humanitarian law, in the 1954 Hague Convention on the protection of cultural property in The event of armed conflict, and its second protocol (n) ___ (draw) up in 1999.

18. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

Relationships (a)_(be) of different kinds. Some (b) ___(be) familial and intimate, (c)___(form) by blood and by marriage; Some are social like the ones we have with friends and some (d)_(make) in school where we (e)_(form) close bonds with classmates and teachers. Relationships can also (f)___(foster) in workplace which may quickly (g)___(change) from professional to social. There (h)___(be) relationships also between human beings and animals, between children and their toys they can’t (i) (part) with. All these relationships (j)___(keen) us Close to each other and (k)___(provide) us all kinds of support, love and affection. A person (1)___ (have) no family feels the pain of loneliness and isolation. There (m)___(be) no one to laugh or (n) ___(cry) with.

19. Read the text and fill in the gaps with their correct form of the verbs

Centuries ago when a man (a)___(accuse) of a crime, he often had to go through u strange test. In one country the local prince used a pot of boiling oil. A metal bar (b) ___ (drop) into the pot. The prisoner then had to put his hand into the oil and (c)___(take) out the bar. The prince believed that the oil (d)___ (burn) the hand of an innocent man. He thought that a guilty man (e) ___ (burn) by The hot oil. There was no record that any prince ever (f) ___ (pluck up) the courage to try the justice of this harsh test on himself. Another foolish method (g)___ (use) in Europe hundreds of years ago. A Man (h)___(accuse) of a crime was taken to a pool or a river. A rock was tied to the man, and he (i)___ (throw) into the water. If he floated., people declared him guilty and punished him. Sometimes he was killed. However, if the man (j) ___(sink), people maintained that he was innocent. They pulled him out of the water quickly and released him. We (k)___(not know) what would happen if he learned to swim under the water. Today our methods are much better. An accused man (1)___(take) to a law court, When the offense is small, a magistrate (m)___(judge) the case. If it is Serious, the people on the jury (n) ___(decide) the punishment.

20. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context:

One night the entire village was sleeping. The boy Bayazid Bustami was busy in study. His mother (a)___ (sleep). Suddenly She woke up and (b)___ (feel) thirsty. (c)___ (call) her son, she told her son to give her a glass of water and (d)___ (fall) asleep Again. When Bayazid went to the pitcher. He (e)___(find) it empty. So, he went out with the pitcher in search of water. After a 30. while, he (f)___(come) back home with water and found his mother (g) ___ (sleep). Then he waited (h)___ (stand) by her bed with a glass of water. He did not make any sound lest she (i)___(wake) up. Suddenly his mother woke up and saw Him with the glass of water. At once she (i)___(understand) what was the matter. She (k) ___ (overwhelm) with gratitude to Allah for (I) ___ (bless) her with such a great son. She (m) ___ (call) him by her side and (n) ____(pray) for him.

21. Read the test and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context:

The day before yesterday i (a)____ (go) to sit for the examination. The subject (b)____ (be) English Second Paper. I (c)___ (go) by a rickshaw. I (d)____ (start) half an hour before the exam starting time. But on the way, I (e)___(catch) up in a traffic jam. I was helpless and had to (f)___(wait) on the rickshaw about half an hour Meanwhile, the last time for (g)_(enter) the hall was over. I (h)___ (get) very restless. At last, I could enter the hall but it was half an hour later. The invigilator (i)___(ask) me why I was so late. I told him that I (j)____ (fall) victim to a heavy traffic jam. Then the teacher (k)___ (supply) me with a question paper and an answer script. That day I (1)___(not answer) well far my restlessness caused by the delay. And I (m)___(fear). I shall not be able (n)___(get) an A plus!

22. Fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs in brackets:

My grandfather was a strange person. When he(a)___(be)young, he wanted to become a teacher. But when someone (b)___(tell) him that he(c)___(not/be)able to make much money from (d)___(teach), he changes his mind. Grandpa decided (e)_(start) a business instead. He(f)_(earn) a lot from business but he (g)___(make) poor use of his money. He never(h)___(go)abroad. He frequently said he wanted to tour Europe. He never (i)___(do). He thought Europeans(i)___(be) not friendly to Bengalis. Also, Grandpa was afraid of (k)___(fly). He worried that his airplane (1)___(may) crash. Once he(m)____(plan) a tour to St. Martin’s Island. But when someone said that the Bay of Bengal could be rough even during winter, he cancelled the journey deciding never (n) ___ (cross) the sea in his lifetime.

23. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

Shaheed Dr.Shamsuzzoha (a)___(Consider) to be the first intellectual who (b)___(attain) martyrdom during the pre-liberation period of Bangladesh. (c)___(follow) the killing of Sergeant Zohurul Hague in prison by the Ayub Khan government, aflame of protest(d)___(spread) throughout erstwhile East Pakistan.On Friday 17, section 144(e)___(impose) on Rajshahi City. The students of Rajshahi University who had (f)___(join) the protest,(g)___(take) out a procession in violation of section 144. They were(h)___(lock) in the clash with police. As a result, several students (i)___(injure).On (j)___(hear) this, Dr.Zoha, proctor of the university rushed to the spot(k)___(take) the injured students to hospital. Next morning, on February 18, tension grew on the campus. With a view to(I)___(pacify) the situation the armed forces(m)___(deploy) in front of the university main gate. The main gate was kept(n) ___(lock) to prevent the agitating students from going out.

24. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and content:

Once a poor man (a)___(put)in a jail though he (b)____ (not do) anything wrong. After a long time, the king of the state (c)___(visit) the jail, and the man (d)___(inform) him of his innocence but a 34. case (e)___(file) against him by some of his enemies. The king(f)___(inquire) privately and found it (g)___(be) true in addition to (h)___(liberate) the man. The king (i)___(give)him some money. (1)___(get) liberated, the man went straight to the market.in a shop there, wild birds (k)___(keep)in cages for sale He said to the shopkeeper,” I (1)___(wish) to by all the birds of your shop. These Birds(m)___(imprison) unjustly and like (n) ___(set)them free.

25. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs in the brackets:

Most of the people who (a)___(appear) most often and most gloriously in the pages of history (b)___(be) great conquerors and generals and soldiers, whereas the people who really (c)___(help) civilization forward are often never (d)___(mention) at all. We (e)___ (not know) who first (f)___ (set) a broken leg, or (g)___ (launch) a sea worthy boat or (h)___ (calculate) the length of a year, but we (i)___ (know) all about the killers and destroyers. People (j)____ (think) a great deal of them, so much so that on all the highest pillars in great cities of the world you (k)___ (find) figures of a conqueror or a general or a soldier. And I think that most people (1)___ (believe) that the greatest countries are those that (m) ____ (beat) the greatest number of countries in the battle and (n)___(rule) over them as conquerors. This is how the world is going now.

26. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

It (a)___(know) to all that Real Estate groups and various private organizations as well as some influential persons (b)___(encroach) the lakes and canals in Dhaka city and (e)___(build) huge installations. Thus they (d)___(change) city’s landscape and posed dangers and miseries for the city dwellers during the rainy season. Illegal concrete structures (e)___(build) by occupying many wet lands and low-lying lands though they (f)_(protect) by law. But these grabbers (g)_(show) their thumbs to law and by (h)___(bribe) the corrupt officials of RAJUK (i)___(manage) to occupy them for years. City planners and urban experts (j)___(express) their concern over these illegal structures by (k)___(grab) wetlands and low-lying lands but things go on (I)__(unchanged). The remaining canals and lakes (m)___(die) slowly as grabbing (n) ___(increase) more rapidly.

27. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

Most of the students of our country (a)___(be) experts in (b)___(memorize) answers. They (c)___(prepare) notes themselves. They get them (d)___(prepare) by their tutors. Their tutors exercise their brain for the students. So, the (e)___ (think) power of the students (f)___(develop). They (g)___ (have) any command over the language. They, of course, (h)_(do) well in the examination. But, for this they can (i)_(claim) no credit of their own. This result (j)___(help) them in their later life. It only (k)___(add) to their false perception of their ability. What could (1)___ (d) really to overcome the situation is that an emphasis (m)___ (give) on improving the basic knowledge of a subject, instead of (n) ___ (memorize), the students learn to ask, “why?” This approach will be helpful to them.

28. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

The country’s first tunnel, named after Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, built under the Karnaphuli River opens today, (a)___(usher) in a new era in road communication. In terms of (b)___ (connect) two regions of the country, the 3.32km tunnel is the second “dream scheme “in road transport sector after the Padma Bridge. The tunnel (c)___(build) following the “one city two towns” model like Shanghai in China. The tunnel (d)___ (connect) the Chattogram port city on the north end of the Karnaphuli with Anwara Upazila on the south of the river. Economists and businesspeople say the tunnel (e)___(be) game changer in turning Chattogram into a logistic hub by connecting two major economic corridors on its two sides, (f)___(includes) Dhaka- Chattogram and Chattogram-Cox’s Bazar highways. Besides, it also (g)___(expect) to play an important role in improving the Asian Highway. Network and (h)___(strength) connectivity between Bangladesh and the neighbouring countries. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was scheduled to and thereby inaugurate the tunnel. It was expected (i)___(open) to the public just the next day to the inauguration and was done so duly “The tunnel (j)___ (contributes) greatly to the economy, communication, and tourism. This will be the roadmap to an advanced Bangladesh in international trade,” said Mahbubul Alam, president of the Federation of Bangladesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FBCCI). The tunnel is expected (k)___(saves) time and money in the transport of raw materials and manufactured goods used are (1)___ (produces) in various industries in the country’s largest economic zone. This zone (m)___(house) Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Shilpa Nagar in Mirsharai, Korean EPZ in Karnaphuli upazila, China Industrial Zone in Anwara Upazila and Cox’s Bazar Coal Power Plant. We (n) ___(feel) ourselves very fortunate to have this pretty and giant infrastructure in Chattogram.

29. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

You can’t take a good book as if it (a)___(be) medicine. It is rude to the book and very silly from our own point of view. By (b)_(approach) it in that way, you make sure of loosing anything it (c)___(give) you. You (d)___(meet) it as a friend and actively like it if any good is to pass between you. A reason why people at school read books (e)___(be) to please their teacher. The 39. teacher (f)___(say) that this, that or the other is a good book and that it is sign of good taste to (g)___(enjoy) it. So a number of boys and girls who (h)____(be) anxious to please their teacher, (i)___(get) the book and read it. Two or three of them (j)___(like) it genuinely for its own sake. They also become grateful to the teacher for (k)___(put) it in their way. But many (1)___(like) it honestly or will (m)___(persuade) themselves that they like it. And that (n)___(do) a great deal of harm to them.

30. Read the text and fiil in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

If all the children of Bangla lesh (a)___(go) to school, the country (b)___(get) rid of the curse of illiteracy. To boost up education, the government (c)___(spend) more money. Subsidies  (d)___(give) in the education sector. Teachers (e)___(need) to (f) ___ (train) for good teaching. Poor students can (g)___(bring) under “Food for Education”” program. We (h)___(take) care that no institution (i)___(close) down due to political clashes. All concerned (j)___(be) conscious about it. Moreover, child labor (k)___ (stop) so that all children (1)___(enroll) to school. We (m)___ (remembr) that no nation (n) ___(prosper) without education.

31. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

Nowadays, the credit card (a)___(become) a topic of discussion in Bangladesh. Most of the people (b)___(know) how (c)___(use) it. They only (d)___ (think) that it is equivalent to money. They (e)___(not know) how it (f)___(work) exactly. It (g)___(be) just an alternative to paper money. It looks as if it (h)___(be) a plastic card. There (i)___(be) good number of credit cards. Nowadays we are accustomed to (j)___(use) as it (k)___(be) safe. A credit card (1)___(provide) to use like cash. We are made (m)___(shop) by this card for our safety. But it (n)___(have) some disadvantages too.

32. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

Foods (a)_(require) for the survival of every living being on earth. But the foods we (b)___ (eat) today (c)___ (be) hardly safe for us. The issues of food adulteration (d)___ (draw) the attention of general people recently. There (e)___ (be) hardly any food in our country that (f)___ (not adulterate) in most of the hotels. It (g)___ (exhibit) a good sign. Very recently the government (h)___(direct) the mobile court with a view to (i)___ (look) into the horrible pictures of the adulteration. They (j)___(catch) the dishonest hoteliers red-handed for (k)___ (use) unhygienic food ingredients. This problem (1)___ (solve) by the government alone. If the common people (m)___ (work) with government, this in human activity (n) ___ ( disappear) from our society soon.

33. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of verbs as per subject and context.

The liberation war of Bangladesh (a)____(inspire) many artists, singers and cultural activists. Eminent artiste Shaheen Samad (b)___(join) Bangladesh Mukti Sangrami Shilpi Sangstha during the liberation war. She along with others (c)___(inspire) millions with her voice (d)___(raise) funds for the refugee camps. The cultural troupe used to (e)___(travel) to refugee camps and 43. different areas in Mukta Anchal. They (f)___(perform) patriotic songs and (g)_(arrange) puppet shows, besides (h)___(stage) dramas. Shaheen Samad said. “Liberation War always (i)___(be) an inspiration for me.” She sang a lot of songs during that time and now (j)___(feel) is honoured to have been able to (k)___(inspire) the freedom fighters. She has the memorable harmonium with which she sang in 1971. Now she (1)___(wish) to hand it over to the Liberation War Museum. This eminent artiste (m)___(want) live performance of those moving songs on TV channel, at least one song in a week and thus (n) ___ (cover) all the year round.


01. (a) joined; (b) inspired; (c) to raise; (d) travel; (e) performed; (f) staging; (g) is; (h) feels; (i) wishes; (j) will cover; (k) played; (1) enriching; (m) have been written; (n) based

02. (a) is said; (b) was credited; (c) could; (d) calm; (e) fought; (f) were said; (g) have been kept; (h) believed; (i) enabled; (j) cultivate; (k) would pray; (I) has been preserved; (m) has been performed; (n) are

03. (a) happens; (b) has risen; (c) taking; (d) remain; (e) travels; (f) causes; (g) are; (h) violating; (i) lessened; (j) drive; (k) crossing; (1) climbing; (m) be maintained; (n) controlling

04. (a) is; (b) bring; (c) leads; (d) gives; (e) doing; (f) living; (g) giving; (h) getting; (i) equipping; (j) learn; (k) enrich; (1) plays; (m) shaping; (n) receiving

05. (a) preparing; (b) called; (c) Waste; (d) is; (e) lying; (f) participate; (g) reading; (h) is happening; (i) faces; (j) come; (k) removing; (1) should engage; (m) working; (n) succeed.

06. a. went/go; b. would get/will get; c. should spend; d. be given; e. need; f. be trained; g. be brought; h. must take; i. closes; j. should be; k. keep; I. will lag; m. ensure; n. implementing

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