English Literature Quiz Examচাকরির প্রস্তুতি /25 English Literature Quiz 1 / 25 Who is known as 'The poet of nature' in English literature? William Wordsworth T.S. Eliot John Keats P.B. Shelley 2 / 25 The beginning of the Renaissance may be traced to the city of - London Frorence Venice Paris 3 / 25 Calliban is a character in _ King Lear Man and Superman Othelo Tempest 4 / 25 In which century was the victorian period? 19th centurey 17th centurey 20th centurey 18th centurey 5 / 25 John Keats is primary a poet of _ Nature Revolution Love Beauty 6 / 25 William Wordsworth is per-eminently- a poet of love a poet of nature a poet of liberty a poet of human nature 7 / 25 'Renaissance' means- the revival of hard task the revival of life the revival of learning the revival of new country 8 / 25 Who is known as 'The poet of Skylark and Winds' in English literature? Lord B John Keats William Wordsworth P.B. Shelley 9 / 25 Who is called the poet of poets? Thomas Kyd William Shakespeare Geoffrey Chaucer Edmund Spenser 10 / 25 Which of the following ages in literary history is the latest? The Romantic Age The Anglo Saxon Age The Victorian Age The Renaissance Age 11 / 25 Who is considered to be the father of English Poem? Thomas More Geoffery Chaucer William Langland Roger Bacon 12 / 25 Chaucer is the representative poet of - 17th centurey 18th centurey 16th centurey 14th centurey 13 / 25 Of the following who is the most translated author of the world? V.I. Lenin Agatha Cristir Mao Tse Tung Leo Tolstoy 14 / 25 Who was the famous mock-heroic poet in English literature? Alexander Pope Lord Byron Lord Tenyson John Milton 15 / 25 "To be or not to be, that is the_. answer meaning issue question 16 / 25 Who is the father of Modern English Literature? Shakespeare P.B. Shelley G.B. Shaw William Langland 17 / 25 Who is considered to be the father of English novel? Francis Bacon Geoffery Chaucer Henry Fielding King Alfred the Great 18 / 25 Who is called the poet of beauty in English literature? William Wordsworth John Keats P.B. Shelley Lord Byron 19 / 25 Who is the Rebel poet in English literature? Walter Scot John Austin Lord Byron John Keats 20 / 25 "Macbeth' is _ an essay a novel a poem a play 21 / 25 Who is the father of Modern English Literature? P.B. Shelley William Langland G.B. Shaw Shakespeare 22 / 25 Who is the English 'Epic' poet? John Keats Lord Tennyson John Milton William Wordsworth 23 / 25 Which was the oldest period in English literature? Chaucer's period Middle Age Anglo-Saxon Anglo-Norman 24 / 25 Who of the following was both a poet and paiter? Keats Blake Spenser Donne 25 / 25 Which period is known as 'The golden age of English literature'? the Elizabeth Age the Eighteenth century the Restoration age the Victorian Age Your score isThe average score is 11% 0% পুনরায় শুরু করুন Visited ৭৮ times, ১ visit(s) today Post Views: ৬৩ 0 Share