Punctuation Marks
01. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
Principal: Im very happy to give you the information about the next picnic well go to Sonargaon. Students: Oh, it sounds great sir.
Principal: This involves learning and fun So just make sure all of you are quite okay on the day. Students: We’ll be on our toes.
Principal: Exactly And if possible could you bring along colorful balloons to make our picnic spot beautiful.
Students: Well certainly try to find some for the decoration purpose Whatll be our dress code sir. Principal: No dress code Wishing you all the best.
02. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
“I’m not in the least hungry” my guest sighed, “but if you insist, I don’t mind having some asparagus.” I ordered them.”Arent you going to have any” No I never eat asparagus. “I know there are people who dont like them. The fact is you ruin your palate by all the meat you eat.” Coffee I said “Yes, just an ice-cream and coffee” she answered.
03. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
I ran out into the garden Granny I shouted Look at the picture I found it in the box of the old things whose picture is it I jumped on the bed beside my grandmother and she walloped me on the bottom and said now Ive lost count of my stitches and the next time you do that ill make you finish the scarf yourself
04. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
The teacher said to muhit why are you talking in the class you should not disturb the class. Sorry Sir. I was asking Jalil to lend me a pen my pen has run out of ink said Muhit. Then the teacher said, its okay. Now concentrate on your lesson
05. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the
text correcting the errors.
Aryan : Do you read newspaper regularly Farhan.
Farhan: Yes, I do. What’s about you?
Aryan: To tell you frankly I do not read newspaper regularly.
Farhan: Why you get enough time during the break in the college.
Aryan : Yes, I do get but I do not like. Moreover I think it is a wastage of time.
Farhan: Remember newspaper is called the ‘storehouse’ of knowledge. The more you will read
newspaper the more you will learn.
Aryan : Then, from today, I will start reading newspaper
Farhan : If you are interested in the news of games and sports you can read the sport news page.
Aryan : Yes, that’s like a good friend.
06. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
Raja: What are you doing Rana
Rana: I am reading a letter
Raja: Letter? From whom
Rana: It’s from my pen friend. Shes an Australian. Her names Lucy.
Raja: How old is she
Rana: Sixteen The same as us. She lives in Sydney,
Raja: Sydney what’s that
Rana: Its a city in the south-east of Australia.
Raja: How do you know about it
Rana: Lucy has sent me a picture of it.
Raja: Can you show me the picture
Rana: Yes, here it is. You see, it looks very nice, doesn’t it
07. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
Laila : I cant see anything. Where am I?
Aunt: Youre safe in your Aunts house. Whats the matter?
Laila : I’m afraid I can hear a sound.
Aunt: But I cant.
Laila : Listen again can you hear it now?
Aunt: Yes I can.
Laila : Is it a ghost?
Aunt: No, its only an owl.
Laila: Owl But it makes a horrible sound.
Aunt: It’s a bird only dear.
Laila : Could you sleep with me?
Aunt: Okay Now go to sleep Laila You’re very tired After your long journey.
Laila : You’re right.
08. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
Rodela: Hello Rahela what are you doing
Rahela : I’m reading a newspaper
Rodela: Do you read them regularly
Rahela : Yes everyday before breakfast Dont you
Rodela: No I don’t. Whats the use of it
Rahela : Newspaper is an indispensable part of our life It helps us in many ways.
09. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
Student: May I come in Sir
Principal: Yas come in,What is your problem
Student: I went to change my 4th subject Sir.
Principal: Why
Student: Sir, Mathematics is now my 4th subject but it seems to me very difficult. So I want to take biology instead Mathematics. Principle: Do you think biology is an easy subject
Student: Not easy sir but easier than mathematics.
Principal: Ok Write an application. Remember, your application must be endorsed by your guardian. Otherwise, it will not be accepted.
10. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
Ishtiak: Excuse me where is the nearest hospital
Fuad : Its about 2km from here you will have to hire a taxi You can also go there by bus
Ishtiak: I see is there a bus station near here
Fuad: Yes there is a bus stop at the corner Ishtiak: Thank you
Fuad : Dont mention it
11. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
Ratan said to his father I want to go outside for sometime. Why is it not the suitable time for going out. I need to meet my friend Shimul. Now it is 8 PM. You should not waste time doing this type of activities father replied. Ill come back. before 9 0 clock said Ratan. “This is the last time I think,” father said.
12. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
He said i can chop some wood today, you but youre small said I. Size dont matter chopping wood some of the big boys dont chop good, ive been chopping wood at the orphanage a long time.
13. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
Son: Did you keep a diary during the Liberation War
Father: Yes I did
Son: Can I have a look at it
Father: Im afraid Ive lost it.
Son: Do you remember anything about it
Father: Yes I remember one event there were lots of sounds and bangs outside one night you
wanted to look out but we didnt let you.
Son: Why
Father: Because it was very dangerous. You were only four years old then.
14. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following dialogue. Rewrite the dialogue correcting the errors.
Olga: I emailed you my term paper last week Have you had a chance to look at it.
Kevin: Of course, and I think it’s good. I’d say your first two sections are alright. I wouldnt
suggest that you change anything there, but you need to re-work on section three
Olga: I was thinking that section looked a bit shorter.
Kevin: Oh yes, Earlier I mentioned a couple of writers, didn’t I
Olga : Yes, you did, But I could-nt manage those books. The bookshop said they were out of
print and the library doesn’t have a copy of them. Can you lend me them.
Kevin: Im afraid, I’ve sent my copies to Natasha.
Olga: No problem, I’l manage them from her.
15. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation in the text below. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
Do you know about Nishat Nishat majumder a bangladeshi woman in her early forties is a sports icon She comes of a modest background her father is a businessman and her mother is a housewife. She is the second of four siblings Although she is not very tall or well built, or does not have a Charming princess look this apparently ordinary girl has three things that she can be proud of These are she has Extraordinarily supporting parents who accepted her dreams as real: her father was a freedom fighter in the liberation War of Bangladesh in 1971 and she scaled the highest peak in the world as the first Bangladeshi girl in 2012. How wonderful this is
16. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
Have you saved something for the future said the rich man. No, said the cobbler. I am happy with the present and think little about tomorrow. No, that would not do said the rich man. I like to see you above want. “Have this money and keep it so that you can often use in need,”
17. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
Son: Have you finished your cooking mother My time is up If I do not start now I will be again late today.
Mother: I will need only ten minutes more by this time you dress up yourself.
Son: I have already done it now I am waiting for food.
Mother: I am coming my child dont worry I will give you a drop if necessary.
Son: In that case I have no problem to wait. Please ask your driver to make the car.
Mother: OK No problem. I myself will drop you at your college.
Son: Thats like a good mother.
18. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
Lady Guest: You see you ve filled your stomach with a lot of meat and You can’t eat any more. But I ve just had a snack and I’ll enjoy a peach. Writer: No problem please carry on.
Lady Guest: Follow my example and never eat more than one thing For luncheon.
Writer: Thanks III do better than that.
Lady Guest: What
Writer : I’ll I eat nothing for dinner to-night.
Lady Guest: Really
Writer: Definitely
Lady Guest: Humourist You re quitea humourist
19. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
A mathematician and a farmer were on a train journey as,they passed a lock of sheep in a field the mathematician announced confidently, There are seven hundred and ninety seven sheep out there.” The farmer said, “Thats incredible it so happens I know the owner and that figure is exactly right but how did you count them so quickly”The mathematician said “Easy I just counted the number of the legs and divided it by four.”
20. There are fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors.
“Good Morning where are you going” said the merchant. I was just coming to see you said the youth. “what do you want” “Please help me to earn my bread by the labour of my hands “do you really want work!” said the merchant. Yes if you Have any.” Then follow me and carry the box from the shop to my house.” “By Allah I’m really grateful to you.” Said the Youth
21. There are at least fourteen errors in the use of punctuation marks in the following text. Rewrite the text correcting the errors:
Dear Mr. Jones I hope this letter finds you well I am writing to you regarding my application for the position of assistant manager at your company I have attached my resume for your review I would be Honoured to have the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further with you please let me know there is a convenient time for us to meet thank you for your time and consideration.
22. In the following dialogue between two classmates who have just come out of the exam room, there are numerous punctuation errors. Find and correct any fourteen of the errors:
Ruba: Hello Riya, How was your exam!
Riya: Not so good? I couldn’t answer everything.
Ruba: Why? The exam was easy! Wasn’t it.
Riya: Most questions were uncommon; weren’t they?
Ruba: Uncommon alright. But they were not difficult? You just needed to be a little creative to answer them.
Riya: You’re a good student, So, everything is easy for you?
Ruba: That’s not true? You too are a good student: Our teachers praise you, don’t they.
Riya: Well, maybe I didn’t work hard enough this time? I should have been more serious.
Ruba: That’s not a problem, Prepare for the next exam.