Articles Exercise
Use articles where necessary. Put a cross (x) where an article is not needed.
1. Life is full of a) — unfavorable circumstances. b) — great men in c) — world bravely faced d) — adverse situations. These situations bring out e) — man’s latent qualities. f) — man in such circumstances learns many virtues like fortitude and bravery. Only g) — brave men can conquer h) — obstacles of life. i) — adverse situations have glorified j) — minds and characters of great men.
2. Patriotism is a noble a) — virtue. It inspires b) — man to shed the last drop of blood to defend the freedom of his c) — country. d) — man without patriotism is not better than e) — beast. A true patriot is honored by f) — all. He thinks for g) — welfare of his country. On h) — other hand i) — unpatriotic man thinks only for his own interest. Those who die for j) — country are true patriot. They are remembered even after their death.
3. Specialists say that a tiger is stronger than a) — lion. Jim Corbett b) — well known hunter, once followed c) — tiger as it dragged d) — big cow through e) — dense forest. f) — tiger’s jaws are so strong that it can crash j) — human skull like h) — eggshell. Jim Corbett called the tiger i) — large hearted gentleman. Many hunters say that a tiger stays away from j) — man.
4. Globalization is a) — buzz word now. b) — Countries of c) — world are now considered as d) — neighbors of e) — village. f) — globalization creates g) — borderless market. But it has many h) — harmful effects. It makes i) — rich j) — richer.
5. Now a days a) — English is not only b) — language of c) — English. It is regarded as d) — International language. In our country English is learnt as e) — foreign language but f) — necessity of English is great. All g) — good jobs need English knowing persons. To learn and develop h) — skills of English, especially for i) — students are important. No j) — student should be ignorant of it.
6. (a) — sun is a planet. It rises in (b) — east and sets in (c) — west. It is (d) — source of all heat. The Setting sun (e) — presents (f) — enjoyable scene (g) — moon has no light of its own. It gets light from the sun. (h) — starts shine in (i) — sky. we cannot see all the stars. Many starts are bigger than the sun. They are far away from (j) — earth.
7. (a)……cricket is (b)…….foreign game in our country. But it is (c)…….international game. After winning (d)………ICC Trophy in (e)…….Malaysia in 1996, it has become more popular than football in our country. By defeating (f)……. kenya, Bangladesh got (g)……..first victory in (h)…….ODI cricket in 1998. Bangladesh got the taste of winning (i)………test match in January, 2005 defeating Zimbabwe. So far, Bangladesh has own at lest one match against almost all (j)…….test playing countries in ODI and it is our pride that we are one of the host countries for the world cup cricket 2011.
1. (a) × (b) the (c) the (d) the/× (e) a (f) a (g) the (h) the (i) The/× (j) the.
2. (a) × (b) a (c) × (d) a (e) a (f) × (g) the (h) the (i) an (j) the.
3. (a) a (b) a (c) a (d) a (e) a (f) the/a (g) the/a (h) an (i) a (j) ×.
4. (a) a (b) the (c) the (d) the/× (e) a (f) × (g) a (h) × (i) the (j) ×.
5. (a) × (b) the (c) the (d) an (e) a (f) the (g) ×/the (h) the (i) the (j) ×.
6. (a) the (b) the (c) the (d) the (e) × (f) an (g) the (h) the (i) the (j) the.
7. (a) × (b) a (c) an (d) the (e) × (f) × (g) the (h) × (i) a (j) the.