English Grammar & Literature Quiz-1 Job preparation Examচাকরির প্রস্তুতি English Grammar & Literature /25 English Grammar & Literarture 1 / 25 The epic 'Odyssey' was written by ____ John Milton Shakespeare Homer Tennyson 2 / 25 One who lives wholly or principally upon vegetable food is called___ frugivorous fruitarian vegetarian gregarious 3 / 25 The correct spelling is ___ addultration addulteration adulteration adultration 4 / 25 A synonym for 'hindrance' is ____ barrier answer solution criticize 5 / 25 'Coalesce' antonym is ___ Consolidate Merge Sever Unity 6 / 25 'An early bird' means___ a short lived bird an early riser a bird that one often sees a little bird 7 / 25 Had I known in advance, I _____ enough money. would take will take would have taken took 8 / 25 The spend ____ time considering the new contract. many too too many too much 9 / 25 Shakespear is known mostly for his ____. poetry novels autobiography Plays 10 / 25 'Go to the dogs' means ____ be estimated be blamed be agreed be ruined 11 / 25 'Equivocation' means____ Free expressions of opinions Equal opportunity to get a job. A true statement Two contrary things in the same statement 12 / 25 The antonym of 'celebrity' is ____ novelty novice nonenity notoriety 13 / 25 Choose the correct sentence: Everybody has gone there Everybody are gone there Everybody have gone there Everybody has went there 14 / 25 Honesty is indispensable ____ success. on for at to 15 / 25 Not a word fell ___ his lips. off through from at 16 / 25 Wordsworth and Coleridge together produce Lyrical Ballads in ____. 1778 1768 1757 1798 17 / 25 'Pros and cons' means___- Advantages and disadvantages All Good and bad Merits and demerties 18 / 25 'Between' is usually used when ____ people are involved three two five four 19 / 25 What is the sound made by a goat? hooting cooting bleating squeaking 20 / 25 Karl Marx was a ____. Russian Philosopher Spanish writer German philosopher French author 21 / 25 My friend ____ before I came. will leave would be leaving had been leaving had left 22 / 25 Which one of the antonym of 'ebb'? flow rapid end downfall 23 / 25 If you make delay, you _____ the train. should miss shall miss will miss would miss 24 / 25 The correct spelling is: Transfigaration Transfiguration Transfigeration Transfeaguration 25 / 25 I water the plants. The word 'water' is used as---- pronoun adverb verb noun Your score isThe average score is 33% 0% পুনরায় শুরু করুন Visited ৫৫ times, ১ visit(s) today Post Views: ৬৩ 0 Share